Funeral Services
Funeral cash back
Medical aid
Clinics on mine sites
Ambulance rescue
Flexible pension investments
Why Choose Us?
Join Union Yavanhu, join ZDAMWU. Our members get a better deal at work because we stand together bargaining with employers to improve salaries/ wages, empowerment, conditions and job security. We go the extra mile to tailor- make affordable insurance products to protect our members and their family's health, retirement, and bereavement needs.
Life Assurance
Disability Insurance
Health Awareness Training
Femail Health, Baby Clinics
Education on labour rights
Legal Advice and representation
First Mutual Health provides ZDAMWU members a choice of three specially discounted products to suit your every pocket and medical need. Download the flyer below and learn more about the benefits.

We are an organisation of high intergrity.

We are experienced in dealing with grievances and work related disputes..

We conduct our operations in a professional way.
General Secretary
Representing mine workers.
- 0 + Members
- 0 + Cases Handled
- 0 % Legal Case success rate
We seek to set ourselves apart from those other unions in the industry in the way we conduct our business. Theories and misconceptions about trade unions abound .There are those who say they don’t need trade union because they have lawyers, others say trade unions are there to siphon their hard earned salaries and is never a necessity, as such they discourage those who already joined saying it’s a waste of money to be member of a trade union. It is made worse when they bring their cases to the union expecting quick results and immediate resolutions of disputes, but it takes ages to see results, they become frustrated and angry with the union.
I am excited about the future of our Industry and new investors who are showing interest in the Mining Industry, we shall stand ready to defend our rights and interests, we say no to looters and exploiters .We shall be on every corner of Zimbabwe to hear the expectations of mine workers.