December 22, 2020
by webmanager
Gender issues a top priority for ZDAMWU
The Zimbabwe Diamond Allied and Minerals Workers Union (ZDAMWU) is working with various stakeholders to eradicate violence and harrasment in the workplace.
To affirm its commitment to issues of gender equality in the workplace as spelt out by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) ZDAMWU General Secretary Justice Chinhema has been having follow-up meetings of the recently availed gender audit by international Labour unions.
It has been noted that all the unions do have not gender polices as espoused by the Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190).
“As a union we are seized with the matter of lobbying the government to sign the convention, unions therefore, need to campaign /push government to sign it then domesticate it to become part of our statutes,” GS Chinhema has said.
ZDAMWU is committed to address the issues of gender imbalances including lobbying through our local Labour Centre the Zimbabwe Federation of Trade Union (ZFTU).
Currently we are also the only ZFTU affiliate that is also affiliated to global Switzerland based labour union Industriall.
“The current conversation seeks to eradicate violance and harassment in the world of work. In the coming 2021 year we shall be taking this to our members across the country as a matter of priority and we shall push our members to campaign in support of convention 190,” Chinhema said.
To show how seriuos ZDAMWU is with the gender issues that’s why these consultative meetings saw the General Secretary attending all the meetings.
“I was just showing our members that we need to take he Gender issues seriously, we also need to stop sexual violence and harassment in the world of work. Issues of sexual violence and harrasment are currently rampant and unreported in the Mining Industry,” Chinhema said.
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