[testimonial2 title=”John Joe” subtitle=”Marketing Manager” testimonial=”In any case, we accomplish that by utilizing in intri cate arranging, keen evaluations, and future development projections and making protected.” image=”148″ title2=”John Joe” subtitle2=”Marketing Manager” testimonial2=”In any case, we accomplish that by utilizing in intri cate arranging, keen evaluations, and future development projections and making protected.” image2=”149″][testimonial2 title=”John Joe” subtitle=”Marketing Manager” testimonial=”In any case, we accomplish that by utilizing in intri cate arranging, keen evaluations, and future development projections and making protected.” image=”148″ title2=”John Joe” subtitle2=”Marketing Manager” testimonial2=”In any case, we accomplish that by utilizing in intri cate arranging, keen evaluations, and future development projections and making protected.” image2=”149″][testimonial2 title=”John Joe” subtitle=”Marketing Manager” testimonial=”In any case, we accomplish that by utilizing in intri cate arranging, keen evaluations, and future development projections and making protected.” image=”148″ title2=”John Joe” subtitle2=”Marketing Manager” testimonial2=”In any case, we accomplish that by utilizing in intri cate arranging, keen evaluations, and future development projections and making protected.” image2=”149″][testimonial2 title=”John Joe” subtitle=”Marketing Manager” testimonial=”In any case, we accomplish that by utilizing in intri cate arranging, keen evaluations, and future development projections and making protected.” image=”148″ title2=”John Joe” subtitle2=”Marketing Manager” testimonial2=”In any case, we accomplish that by utilizing in intri cate arranging, keen evaluations, and future development projections and making protected.” image2=”149″]


Who we are

Union Ya Vanhu , ZDAMWU is a workers union that represents te interest of workers in the mining sector.


working hours

Monday to Friday 08:00 to 18:30 and Saturday we work until 15:30


support center

Feel free to contact us through  call or e-mail us anytime